More about GoCab
Read more about the origins of GoCab, our product and the different versions here.
Service & Maintenance
Read all about our service and maintenance. Check out the warranty conditions, read about maintenance tips and check out our service partners.
GoCab is a bicycle cab with electric support in which 8 children can be transported safely. Please contact us for more information.
We would like to get in touch with you
Contact details
Visiting address:
Guldenweg 23
7051 HX, Varsseveld, NL
IBAN: NL 75 ABNA 0880 0389 85
KVK: 77745566
BTW: NL86 1122781 B01

Office hours
Monday - Friday: 07:00–17:00 CET
Saturday / Sunday: closed
(Workshop: Monday - Thursday: 07:00 - 17:00 CET, Friday 07.00 - 12.00 CET)
Report a malfunction
Is your GoCab experiencing a malfunction? Then please let us know! We will get back to you as soon as possible.